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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Recipe: Italian Wonderpot (Cara paling mudah memasak pasta)

Secara peribadi, saya tidak suka menggunakan sos2 pasta segera seperti preggo etc. bila memasak pasta. Ini kerana saya tidak tahu berapa banyak kandungan pengawet yang digunakan dalam makanan tersebut. Walaupun produk tersebut mendakwa ia adalah semulajadi/natural/organic, tetapi kita tidak boleh sewenang-wenangnya percaya. Satu artikel baru2 ini menyatakan sekiranya ada cop/simbol FDA appproved sebagai semulajadi/natural/organik barulah ianya betul.

Ini adalah cara memasak pasta paling mudah yang saya jumpa baru2 ini.

Caranya, masukkan semua bahan dalam periuk dan masak sehingga 15 minit. Saya cuba ambil gambar di bawah seperti gambar dalam blog yang saya jumpa. Resepinya yang penuh ada di bawah ini.

Pasta yang sangat mudah, berkrim dan sangat sedap. Cara masakannya tidak seperti kita masak pasta yang biasa (spagetti bolognaise etc.).

Thursday, 13 June 2013

What's next? Where and what to do?


Since my thesis preparation up to now, I don't have the courage to post anything relates to cooking, baking or my DIY projects.. There are tones of pictures taken of the meal, craft, dress etc, and it looks like it has to wait for me to make entry. My mind focuses on the viva and what's next for my study.

After 3.5 years struggling with my Masters project (which was too long for a Masters), now it is time to think about my PhD. I hope one day I can make an entry specifically on my masters journey. Just to document every pain and gain I had gone through since I registered as a postgraduate student. 

For my PhD, I'm still confuse what area do I need to focus on, will it be molecular? Or something relate to basic science (which I don't think so)? Or anything relate to physiology and product related research? I am so keen to further what I was working on during masters. But, I'm not sure if the supervisors/lecturers out there are also interested in that same area. If none, then possibly I would have to further under my current supervisor which I don't think that I can go through that anymore. Please don't misunderstood me, it's not about my supervisor's personality and character. It was about other things, the samples which were hard to find, the bureaucracy to get ethical approval (which took about 6 - 12 months to be approved. ?????) etc. I had gone through it once and it had taught me a lot. Somehow, I don't have a single mind to do it twice. 

Another thing is, where I want to go for my PhD? I don't mind to do it locally, but my husband insists to try for overseas. He is really encouraging this time, not like when I started my Masters. A researcher from Newcastle University came here last year, and he did kinda offered me a place. I am sure I will get the place, but it is the financial support from KPT that disturbing my mind. If I want to do it locally, probably UM or UiTM is the best choice?

These things keep playing in my mind. I haven't make up my mind yet since I haven't discuss this with my supervisor. I hope that there will be a smooth way for me. Oh Allah, please show me the way....

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

May 2013 : A month to remember

Assalamulaikum.... Bismillah....

Finally, I have completed my thesis :) .... Alhamdulillah...
Now, I'm waiting for the corrections from my supervisor, then in one and a half month, a viva will be scheduled for me... 

Apart from my thesis, a lot of other things happened in the month of May.

This entry is purposely to record the timeline and ensure the events are always memorable. 

Monday, 1 April 2013

Idle time

Bismillah... Oh.. it has been quite few months since my last entry in this blog.. I cooked meals and baked cakes and biscuits, and photographed them, some of them were first trial and successful. I am eagerly want to share  them here, but am so busy WRITING MY THESIS. Just few more pages, then I can submit and yeehaa... graduation...

By that time, I wish to "healthily" come back here... :)

Really miss that "relax and chill" moment...

PEACE Y'ALL and have a nice day...