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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Dresser turned kitchen island

Pinterest! This is the place where I get most of my crafty ideas. I'm sure most people know about this website already. But, I still want to write about it. That was my intention this morning.

This wonderful website, let us organize and share all the beautiful things we find on the internet. You can get  ideas for styling, home decorations, recipes, remedies, tips, automotive, traveling and best of all (for me), craft ideas and DIY projects.

This is my board. These are all my pins that I plan to do it myself.

Look, here is what I found today. It's cute and I think it's a workable idea. 

A dresser turned to kitchen island.

Credit to the creator and pinner..

Need to show it to my hubby and next, head to the local used furniture store.

Have a nice day.